Planking is all the rage and with good reason! It strengthens arm, shoulder, abdominal, back, and hip muscles. Want the specifics? Or course you do! The following muscles are utilized during your basic plank when practiced in good form:
Transversus abdominis (if you remember to contract it)
External obliques
Rectus abominus
Quadratus lumborum
Erector spinae
Gluteus medius and minimus
Anterior deltoids
Pectoralis major
Teres major and minor
Serratus anterior
Lower trapezius
Biceps brachii
That’s an awful lot of muscles for just one exercise and this is with just a basic plank. Think of all the additional muscle groups that are added as you modify your plank. In the video above I am demonstrating one of my favorite planking exercises called up stretch. As you can see, it is really much more than a stretch!